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Minutes - October 2004
Meeting minutes from October 6, 2004

Present: M. Vanek, D. Lamb, P. Wisbey, J. Bryant, Sidney & Cora Taylor (guests, New Egypt, NJ), S. Craner, Leslie Leary (guest, Auburn School District), Judith Wellman (guest, Auburn Historic Resources Board), B. M. Lewis, E. McHugh, M. Alberici, S. Tucker and J. Kline
Excused: J. McCormick and P. Copes Johnson
Absent: S. Marteney, P. Anderegg, T. Bridenbecker, Rev. Carter, T. Hussey and D. Dempsey

Chair M. Alberici called the meeting to order and P. Wisbey read the mission and vision statements for the Commission. M. Alberici introduced Judy Wellman from Auburn’s Historic Resources Board. J. Wellman is working to identify historic sites relating to the Underground Railroad, abolitionism and African Life in Auburn and Cayuga County during the period 1820-1870. Her project will increase awareness of these movements, individuals and sites, thereby solidifying the County’s link to the Heritage NY Underground Railroad Trail and the National Network to Freedom. They are looking for additional sources/resources in the County via the Internet. J. Kline offered that a ready-made page could be uploaded onto the Commission existing website. J. Wellman was going to follow-up on that. J. Wellman hopes to complete the project by June 2005.

I. Approval of the Minutes
M. Alberici asked for approval of the 8/18/04 minutes. S. Craner made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by P. Wisbey. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
D. Lamb said they had just met with Leslie Leary from Auburn School District. Things are moving forward to expand on the Passport to History program. They used the model from Germantown, PA, as an example. L. Leary thought the concept was good, and that she will discuss it with some of the teachers. At this point, it is undecided whether the program will incorporate the Passport to History program. J. Bryant said she knew of a very large grant ($250,000) whose educational component may fit those of this project. She was going to e-mail the grant information to Commission members.

D. Lamb said they discussed the administrative fee, and thought it was best to decide whether a fee is appropriate on a case-to-case basis, depending on how much work is involved.
When a collaborative project comes up, the fee will be submitted with the budget for the project.

III. Marketing Committee
As for leads from ads, which are winding down, M. Vanek said during the month of September the Tourism Office responded to 454 inquiries; the top producers being Country Home and AAA. Website visits for the last thirty days were 682, and total (unique) visits to the site are about 34,000. M. Vanek said we are still waiting for the City to install the pedestrian signs. We called Jeff Brown, the new contact, and have not heard back.

M. Vanek said the Routes 5&20 Committee is working on a collaborative exhibit that would include historic sites/museums from Skaneateles to Genesee County. The focus would be on the history of Routes 5&20, tapping into the music, food, architecture, signage, etc. This project is in a preliminary phase now, but is slated to happen in 2006. E. McHugh said she had participated in a similar concept in CA with Highway 99.

M. Vanek said the Tourism Office and the Downtown Auburn B.I.D. are hosting two Internet workshops, the first one will cover the basics; the second will be more advanced marketing strategies. The cost is $15 including lunch, and will be held at 95 Genesee Street.

M. Vanek said she had met with a representative from Touring New York, an Upstate NY publication. Their next issue will have an advertorial on the Auburn and Cayuga Lake areas. Advertising opportunities are available, and interested parties should contact Spike Hertzig.
The Commission’s budget is already set, so we will not be taking out an ad.

J. Kline circulated copies an article from American Legacy magazine on the Tubman Home. The article was very informative with quality photos, etc. This is great publicity for Auburn.

IV. Community Outreach Committee
S. Craner said the Commission had their display at the Chamber’s Member Trade Show on Sept. 16th at the Holiday Inn. She said the show was very well attended, maybe the best one yet. There were approximately 50-60 booths, and our display looked very nice. Thank you to E. McHugh and P. Wisbey for hosting our booth. Maybe next time we can have a bowl of candy, a raffle, or give-a-way that helps generate more visitor traffic.

E. McHugh said Council voted on the dispersement of the Arts & Cultural Fund ($25,000). The Cayuga Museum and the Schweinfurth Art Center will be receiving funds. During the City Council meeting, Councilor D. Dempsey spoke of the economic importance of the historic and cultural sites. E. McHugh couldn’t remember the monetary figures off the top of her head, and she requested that J. Kline distribute this information to the Commission again, so when we go before the Council, we can reiterate these very positive figures. J. Kline passed out copies of the stats, and the accompanying documentation for the study. The group present agreed that the site’s year end attendance figures could be added together and applied to the same calculation.
This would make a good Council presentation for February. M. Vanek said there are also visitor stats for the region in the packets.

V. Other Business
M. Alberici inquired whether the sites had accumulated completed visitor surveys to be tallied.
The directors present said that they only had a handful, and reiterated that the existing survey was too long and difficult. J. Kline asked whether anyone had brought examples, as discussed previously. No one had. M. Vanek asked what the goal of the survey was, and quality control was discussed. The group present agreed that the site visit reports from tourism professionals were most helpful in this department. Perhaps an updated Conversion Study could be the next move, since those statistics are so important. E. McHugh made a motion to table the Visitor Survey, seconded by P. Wisbey. All were in favor and the motion carried.

D. Lamb said the Common Threads’ ads have been placed, and the brochures have been mailed. Their quilt show has been judged, and the exhibit is scheduled to open November 6th. A catalog for their current show will be available shortly.

M. Alberici asked for suggestions for M. Weitekamp’s replacement on the Commission. AHS History teacher Jerry Martin may be an option. P. Wisbey passed out fliers promoting their Alaskan Glacier Cruise happening in mid August ‘05. They will be having an informational meeting on October 22nd at 7PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church. E. McHugh said they are having a lecture by Tony Gero on African American military history, same night, and same time.

S. Craner said there are several new businesses opening downtown. In one of the old Nolan’s Shoes’ bays the Travel Boutique will offer travel arrangements and accessories, and in the same bay downstairs will be Witches Brew, offering coffee and specialty gifts. State Street Mall work is moving along, and is slated to be completed by the end of October. On the corner next door to Spirits, the Yesteryear Café will have food as well as antiques, and Lisa Homic has relocated her chiropractic office next door to the café. Things are also moving forward for a building wrap on the north side of Nash’s Art Supply. The image is a floral landscape painted by Peter Mack.

M. Alberici said the Honda convertible drawing will happen at the end of October. Tickets are $100 each, and the money will go towards the Tiffany window restoration project. The outside windows are nearly done, and the interior ones need to be reassessed before they are repaired.

E. McHugh said the Herman Avenue Choir is going to perform at the Cayuga Museum at 2PM during Holiday Traditions. S. Tucker said she is making visits and gathering the hours of operation for all the museums and historical societies in the County. If you’d like her to pass along any literature during her visits, just let her know. M. Vanek asked for a copy of the hours when the document is completed, and that she was welcome to take travel guides on her visits.

With no other business to discuss, the Commission adjourned at 5:10PM. The Commission’s next meeting will held January 12th at 3:30PM, 3rd Floor City Hall.  The site directors will meet prior to the meeting.

Recorded by Jesse Kline